Since the plates were passaged on 04/05/22 and 05/05/22, the iPSC cell colonies have grown very well.
My cells passaged by Ash plate: 09/05/22 – originally passaged on 04/05/22
Lovely uniform colonies of iPSC cells (viewed at 4 X magnification).
Svenja’s plates: 09/05/22 – passaged on 05/05/22
As you can see the colonies in my plates are smaller as they are a day behind in growth. While there are some good sections of iPSCs, not all of my colonies are as perfect as Ash’s. At least I do know what I am aiming for in the long term.
From now on we will feed (i.e change the media for the cells on a daily basis) and passage the cells once a week. Our basic weekly roster is as follows:
Monday: Check cells and change media
Tuesday: Check cells and change media
Wednesday: Clean plates ready for passage on following day. Change media.
Thursday: Passage cells.
Friday: Wash cells and change media.
I will need to passage the cells at least 10 – 15 times to ensure the that the initial virus used for reprogramming is no longer present.