PBMC Culture

On Sunday 10th April, I did another media change for the PBMCs. The number of cells is definitely reduced. When I checked the previous well, there were a number of dead cells visible, so I have clearly left a lot of cells behind.

Dead Cell Remnants
Light microscope image showing evidence of dead cells in the previous well. This illustrates that I was very successful at transferring all cells during the media change.

This shows the importance of mixing the cells well and checking that most cells have been transferred during the media change process. I will need to be really careful and follow Ariane’s instructions carefully to avoid further cell losses.

At this stage, we only have around 1.7 x 105 cells (according to the cell count)!

PBMC Cells
Light microscope image of PBMC Cells taken on 10/4/22

On the positive side, there is no evidence of contamination and apart from low numbers, the cells seem healthy.


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